Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The work of Adam Batchelor has recently been added to my list of favorite artist. He is originally from Norwich UK and i found his work on the website which features artist and illustrators from around the world. his work is mainly in illustration, and comments societies relationship and obsession with popular culture, and its affect on the world. he does this by juxtaposing popular consumer images with people of developing countries. contrasting wealth and poverty, 1st world and developing world, and the state of the world that we live in. His images are very direct and centered within a white space, and uses images that allow us to see the effect of popular culture and consumerism, as we are able to identify the pop symbols in the image, but not the decent or location the subject may come from. Showing the global effect of consumerism, our general ignorance to the rest of the world's problems, and the selfish nature of the 1st world due to consumption and ideology to pop culture.

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